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Обрабатывающий центр Hermle C 22 UP с устройством смены палет PW 150 в инструментальном производстве

Валерий Аюпов04 декабря 2018 time 15:02 раздел:Главная Пресс-релизы

On the basis of its own standardization strategy using the Hermle C 22 UP processing center in the tool and mold manufacturing workshop of the WMF Group, rationalization of tool manufacturing has been ensured and the capacity to provide services to third-party customers has been released.

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Обрабатывающий центр Hermle C 22 UP с устройством смены палет PW 150 в инструментальном производстве

/ ins  On the basis of our own standardization strategy using the Hermle C 22 UP processing center in the WMF Group’s tool and mold manufacturing workshop, rationalization of tool production has been ensured and the capacity to provide services to third-party customers has been released.


WMF Group, founded in 1853 as the metal products plant Straub & Schweizer and since 2016, owned by the French concern SEB, is currently the leader in the production of kitchen utensils and tableware of the highest quality category. At its headquarters in Geislingen and the nearby plant in Gäingen, over 2,200 employees are involved in the development and production of high-quality kitchenware and cooking knives.

Как и прежде, многие из этих изделий изготавливаются методом прессования и обработки давлением листовых заготовок. Необходимые для этого инструменты компания WMF Group по большей части производит самостоятельно в собственном инструментальном цеху. «Примерно для 30 различных видов ножей мы используем от 100 до 150 матриц, каждая из которых состоит из верхнего и нижнего инструмента, изготовленных из закаленной горячедеформируемой стали», – поясняет Ханс Брюль, мастер цеха по производству деталей и инструментов компании WMF. Чтобы обеспечить постоянно высокое качество ножей, эти матрицы подвергаются последующей обработке с интервалом примерно 3000 рабочих циклов. При этом точно по контуру снимается фрезерованием около 0,5 мм материала, что можно выполнять на матрицах максимум 15 раз. «Прежде все эти фрезерные и отделочные работы мы выполняли на высокоскоростном фрезерном станке. На нем можно было, однако, установить одновременно только две матрицы, которые потом приходилось последовательно обрабатывать с большой трудоемкостью и несколькими перестановками. Теперь, когда объемы производства ножей в Гаингене возросли, и в соответствии с этим требуется больше матриц, мы столкнулись с нехваткой мощностей», – описывает исходную ситуацию Брюль.

Required: the highest quality surfaces in the shortest possible time

Based on a series of experiments with edge size analysis, accuracy and surface quality, and taking into account the need for a significant reduction in processing time, we ultimately preferred the Hermle C-22 UP 5-axis machining center. Designed in collaboration with Hermle specialists, the treatment process has produced excellent results. Not only were the exact reproducible edge sizes and surface quality achieved, as well as the processing time, significantly reduced. Since the machining center C 22 UP is equipped with an 11-seat pallet changer PW 150, in addition, the subsequent processing of the dies can be performed without personnel participation, that is, at night and on weekends. This freed up additional capacity to fulfill domestic and third-party orders.

Proven: twice as fast

A significant increase in productivity in the production of tools and molds at WMF Group was achieved, on the one hand, by standardizing matrices. In addition, the clamping system of pallets and home-made billets with fourfold threaded attachment directly on the pallet, as well as the automation of the process through the use of the PW 150 pallet changer, made it possible to significantly increase the processing efficiency. Axel Shpadinger, head of the development and production of tools at WMF Group GmbH, summarizes: “When we finished a couple of matrices, we were able to reduce the processing time by 50 percent or more. Since we perform these works mainly at night and on weekends, the possibility of universal application of the C 22 UP machining center on day shifts for all current operations is provided. Thereby,


In fig. 1 machine operator Gunter Schulz stands in front of Hermle's 5-axis C 22 UP machining center in the tool and mold manufacturing workshop of WMF Group GmbH 

In fig. 2 shows the pallet changer PW 150 for the machining center C 22 UP; In the foreground (rotary) tooling station for loading pallets, securing blanks and removal of finished products

In fig. 3 shows a top view of an 8-fold magazine 11-seater pallet changer PW 150 with eight pallets in the store, two pallets in an interchangeable mechanism (top right) and one pallet in the machine

In fig. 4 shows the working area of ​​the machining center C 22 UP with an inclined-rotary table with a diameter of 320 mm (axes A and C) for complex processing simultaneously along the 5 axes of the tool parts in one clamping

In fig. 5 shows the forging matrix (upper and lower tools): on the left - without the adapter plate with clamping directly on the pallet, fixing with two adjusting pins and fastening with four bolts; right - finished processed matrix   

In fig. 6 from left to right: Axel Shpinger, Head of Tool Development and Production, Hans Brühl, Master of Parts and Tools, and Gunter Schulz, Machine Operator, all employees of the Mold and Tool Manufacturing Company at WMF Group GmbH in Geislingen / Steig

Fig. 7. WMF Group is a leading manufacturer of high-quality kitchenware and elegant tableware. The main equipment of the workshop for the production of dies and tools at the metalware plant is the Hermle C 22 UP machining center.


Hermle AG is a company with a good reputation, which is both a national and international leader. Thanks to constant innovation, Hermle is one of the leading manufacturers of milling machines and machining centers. 25,000 Hermle machining centers are successfully used worldwide. A wide network of shopping and service centers guarantees cooperation in all important countries of the world. Hermle machines are manufactured in the south-west of Germany, in a region where precision instrument making and mechanical engineering have been for several generations, so to speak, at home. Hermle machining centers are used for the rational processing of tools, molds and mass-produced parts. Due to their quality and high accuracy, they are used in various industries, especially in such demanding,

Contact person for requests:

Udo Gipp, Head of Marketing, Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG, D-78559 Gosheim

Phone: (0) 7426 95 6238 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.hermle.de


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